Women We Know

Episode 15 - Deirdre Keane, Xi Upsilon-Northeastern University

Delta Zeta Sorority Season 1 Episode 15

Allison and Mallory are closing out Season 1 of the Women We Know podcast with Deirdre Keane, Xi Upsilon-Northeastern, whose inspirational story was shared in the spring issue of The LAMP. To battle the depression that came with her Covid-19 hospital shifts as a nurse practitioner in NYC during the pandemic, Deirdre turned to running. Her experience turned into a huge goal of completing the World Marathon Challenge – which meant completing seven marathons in seven days on seven continents! Her story is incredible but more incredible because it is so relatable to so many people on many levels. 

Look for Season 2 of the Women We Know Podcast in September! And send us any women WE should know by emailing LAMP@deltazeta.org.